Episode 33

Published on:

10th Mar 2025

The Art of Slicing Work, with Anton Skornyakov

In today’s episode, we enjoyed talking with another cool guest, Anton Skornyakov. Anton is a known consultant in the Agile world and the author of the book “The Art of Slicing Work”. Our conversation was packed with insightful and practical analogies that make complex Agile concepts easy to grasp.

We talked about how organizing a dinner for friends is very similar to organizing your work in vertical slices (it might look cryptic now, but you get clarity when you listen to the episode. Anton’s metaphor is really powerful). We debate how a hypothesis that sounds market-breaking now might not be used at all in a year. And how a roundabout can teach us how to efficiently set up a self-managed team.

There are a lot of interesting and valuable insights in today’s episode and a very practical conclusion. It was a real pleasure to have Anton as our guest, and we encourage you to listen and, as usual, comment on the podcast’s Facebook page.

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About the Podcast

Retrospective Agile
Discuții agile, informale și relaxate despre agilitate
Dan Suciu și Bogdan Mureșan, practicanți Agile de mai bine de 15 ani și cu o experiență variată în training, consultanță și coaching Agile, dezbat diverse teme legate de agilitate într-o manieră relaxată și informală. Vor avea alături de ei persoane cu experiență în instruire, consultanță, coaching sau transformări Agile.

Dan Suciu este lector la Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică a Universității Babeș-Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca și partener la Colors in Projects, companie de training și consultanţă, specializată în managementul proiectelor.

Bogdan Mureșan este Vice President Of Technology la Connatix, Cluj-Napoca și senior agile strategist la Colors in Projects.